About Me

Greetings, salutations & welcome to my foodie blog!
Newly acquainted? Here's me in a nutshell:
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Classically trained, jazz-inspired, electronica influenced & standards-obsessed modern vocalist, Damiana K. (also known as 'Dark Stardust' & 'Lady of The Lorax') - semi-retired professional print/promotional/pinup/fetish/art model, program presenter, choreographed dancer/performer, and promoter of conscious living.
Active for animals and other benevolent Earthlings - Vegan for over 20 years to date, animal care/rehabilitation specialist, currently acting as founding director, educator & ambassador for Lorax Community (Local Organic REvolutionary Ahimsa Xenodochium), "a gentle movement toward self-sustainability", as means for sharing Earth's bounties and lessons with others who are inclined to follow a similar path.
Mindful Epicurean & Culinary Alchemist - As a result of having developed a keen interest in raw food nutrition & preparation at the beginning of the century, eventually opted to adhere to a 100% raw, largely frugivore diet & began to work as a raw chef.
Student of nutrition, theology, philosophy, culinary arts & life - Ordained Interfaith Minister of Creation Care, working toward certifications in nutrition & raw culinary education. Pursuing a lifelong dream of living in peaceful harmony with nature, sharing Universal abundance and beneficial insights.
Environmentalist, gardening enthusiast & avid homesteader - Teaching others sustainable/DIY & Ahimsa methods of cultivation, harvesting & preparation of food as part of service through Lorax Community. Also began a farm-direct vegan buying club, farm market & community garden engagement project which is constantly expanding to form other Lorax Community projects across the USA (& beyond).

The above info is a simple outline for those who may not know me well already. For more in-depth information relating to my background or purpose, please feel free to refer to the Mission Statement on my official site, biography/statement of purpose for Lorax Community, or "Food Philosophy" section of this blog. 

This particular blog is meant to be more of an archival area, as I generally blog most things on my official weblog and also for Lorax Community's various forums (I currently act as "Kitchen Mistress" for the Lorax Community Kitchen).

Additionally (and somewhat loosely related), I was recently injured rather seriously and have been filling up loads of free (recovery) time as of late with research, studying, occasional networking, mission expansion and most recently working on my doctorate dissertation. Preceding the accident my primary means for transportation consisted of walking, cycling, trains, and buses. Therefore, I am largely incapacitated until healing process is complete; filling up loads of time with reading, writing, and experimenting with healing elements in the kitchen.

Peace, blessings, and thanks for having taken the time to read this!