
Avocado Pesto

After 30+ days into my Lenten fast from tree nuts, I've found myself simplifying meal preparation by using fewer ingredients requiring of less processing. Thanks to my absolute favourite farm-direct source for fresh fruit (via Lorax Community's weekly food cooperative) I found myself with MANY avocados on my hands - many of them ripening simultaneously!

As such, I felt it wise to use several at once in various new ways and so... Avocado pesto was created.

  • 2 ripe avocados (skinned & pitted)
  • Handful of basil
  • Several sprigs of Italian (flat) parsley
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 tsp Celtic sea salt
  • Pinch of rosemary (set aside for seasoning/garnish)
- Combine avocados, basil, garlic, Celtic salt, and  parsley in food processor & blend until smooth (using S blade).

The end result should be a smooth, creamy, and delicious pesto sauce, as shown in the featured image on this page - with spiralised raw courgette & sweet potato. This sauce is perfectly textured and full of flavour, easy to prepare in just a few minutes without any added oil, seeds, or nuts!