
New Beginnings

Dear friends and fellow epicures,

Please forgive my extended absences, as I have been in transition.

It has indeed been quite some time since my last post, and after having been in the midst of what may best be labelled as a somewhat turbulent multi-point moving adventure, I have finally landed in peaceful situation (& point of constructive creativity).

It all began with a lengthy (and remarkably bizarre) journey over thousands of miles by way of surface travel, which was at times so darkly surreal that I prefer to avoid ever having to relive the experience again by word or any other form of detached reenactment. The initial conclusion of the arduous journey provided some brief reprieve from chaos, and allowed me a few days to appreciate what remained of the Winter Solstice holidays leading into Gregorian New Year. For this I was (and am still) abundantly grateful, despite the glaring inevitability of having to face returning to various aspects of everyday work/life after having taken more than a year's hiatus - whilst still in the process of healing amidst rather discordant circumstances & surroundings. The latter part of the previous statement refers to yet another series of events best left unsaid, yet an excellent experience in practical learning and faithful determination (despite the startling number of somewhat unsettling discoveries)...

Lesson learned? The Universe often works in mysterious ways, but nearly always presents valuable lessons along the way which should eventually put us back on track. For each obstacle one must manage to find the courage and will to overcome, there generally awaits some marvellous blessing in disguise. All of that having been said, I am now incredibly pleased to be able to greet my beloved readers once again from a place of grace and superlative gratitude. =)

Working to keep up with online endeavours as much as I am able, though doing so without Internet connection this has been a bit of a challenge. Not quite sure when (or if) I shall submit to the first world convenience of having such a connection installed in my new home, as I have been so functional in other ways without the distraction (and truly enjoying the solitude for which I had been praying for so long before having made this last relocation).

As such, I am presently in the process of settling in, organising, and redefining goals within my own comfort zone and personal sense of peace. Work has been resumed on the new website (thanks to my wonderful site admin), as well as composition of the eagerly awaited book-in-progress. Since I have also made a return to focus on my life's work of Community and spiritual service, my primary aspiration at present is to carefully address each aspect and encounter of everyday life with loving intention and peaceful perseverance.

For those of you who follow this blog, there are several other posts queued up to follow in the coming days. Presently in the final stages of organising those yet to be published, whilst my most excellent site admin has been putting together key points of functionality and the beginnings of finishing touches for the new site. 2013 is building up wonderfully, and Lunar New Year seems a great mark for one of the most positive and powerful transformations into peaceful renewal. I am grateful for so many kind wishes, notes of interest, and continued patience from so many as I slowly (but steadily) make my way back into the world.

And so... I shall now continue moving forward with the work at hand. Please continue to keep watch for future reviews, recipes, other updates and announcements... and of course the new site which I hope to be able to unveil in the twinkling of an eye!

Until then, happy Lunar New Year and may peace be with you all. Ⓥ♡★